Sports Mouth Guard

Sports Mouth Guard Press Release

It is no secret that dental injuries are the most common type of oral-facial injury suffered while playing sports whether playing professionally, competitively or recreationally. In fact, more than 5 million teeth will be knocked out each year and other studies have estimated that over 30% of all high school athletes report dental injury at least once.

The best protection is prevention, and for dental injuries, that means wearing a properly fitted custom sports mouth guard. They protect not only the teeth, but the lips, cheeks, and tongue and also help protect a person from concussions and jaw fractures.

The average cost of dental treatment over a lifetime for one tooth lost is approximately $5,000. When it comes to sports equipment, mouth guards should be a priority. With adequate separation of teeth, the risk of tooth fractures, chips and evulsions is significantly reduced and most importantly, the occurrence of a concussion is greatly decreased.

Custom fit mouth guards are fit to the unique structures of an athlete’s mouth and withstand forces from trauma but are soft enough for energy absorption. Certain materials will also contain an integrated palatal brace which protects the highly susceptible front teeth.

Concussions can occur when teeth are clenched or knocked together, which can happen with any hit to the chin or face. A considerable amount of force from a hit is transferred through the jaw and joint, then into the base of the skull. This force then bounces the brain around in the skull resulting in a concussion. The ability for the custom fitted sports mouth guard to consistently achieve and maintain adequate separation of teeth, plus creating cushioning for the jaw from the skull, is the premise on which concussion prevention is based.

There are many sports that involve intentional and non-intentional blows to the head, and no one can predict when they will happen. People should wear a mouth guard whenever they are involved in an activity with a risk of falls or of head contact with other players or equipment. This includes football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, skateboarding, even gymnastics. We usually think of football and hockey as the most dangerous sports for teeth, but nearly half of all sports-related mouth injuries occur in basketball and baseball.

Any mouth guard is better than no mouth guard however, it is important to choose a mouth guard that fits comfortably. Custom fit mouth guards are much more well tolerated and have better retention than the over-the-counter models because they have a precision fit and are less bulky and irritating on the soft tissues in the mouth. If a mouth guard interferes with breathing or speech, or if it feels bulky, it won’t be worn.

All mouth guards should be replaced after 1-2 years depending on the retention, thickness and comfort level. A child’s mouth changes as they grow and develop and this can affect how the mouth guard will fit. If your child is missing teeth, areas can be accommodated for growth but generally, custom fit mouth guards are made for that particular time when the impression is taken. It may be best to wait until more teeth erupt into the mouth however, a consultation with your dental health professional is recommended. Special attention must also be taken when dealing with orthodontic braces. It is important to be aware of the orthodontic treatment plan especially if teeth are being removed or moved dramatically.

When not in use, all mouth guards should be stored in a plastic container to protect and help to avoid damage due to excessive heat or cold. They should be washed after each use, using cold or lukewarm water. Hot water may cause distortion. It is also very important that you DO NOT CHEW your mouth guard as this will affect the fit and quality. Prior to insertion, a mouth guard may be rinsed in mouthwash to freshen the taste.

Whatever your age or sport, mouth guards are an important part of sports safety and your exercise routine. Do what you can to protect your smile and preserve your health. Ensure that you have a properly fitted mouth guard made by a professional.

As a special promotion for April is oral Health Month, Harbour City Dental Hygiene is hosting Monday Mouthguard Madness. On Mondays in April we are making custom fitted sports mouth guards at a fraction of the regular cost and all proceeds are going to fund a volunteer dental trip to Central America planned for this fall. Please contact us for more details 250-754-3885.

Keep Your Smile Awhile – See a Registered Dental Hygienist.


If you knock-out a tooth and it is an adult (or permanent) tooth immediately put it back in its place (its socket). If this is not possible, or if there’s a chance that the tooth might be swallowed, put it in a container of cold milk. Contact your dental health professional right away. If it is after hours you can call the emergency dental number 250-741-3365.

About Heather Cooper

I am a Dental Hygiene Practitioner with over 25 years of experience and the owner and primary dental hygienist at Harbour City Dental Hygiene.
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